

The Political Club will hold a meeting open to the public, at 8 o'clock this evening in the New Lecture Hall. Mr. James Rudolph Garfield, son of President Garfield, formerly United States Civil Service Commissioner, and at present head of the Bureau of Corporations, in the Department of Commerce and Labor will speak on, "The Civil Service of the United States." General William Crozier, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance, in the War Department, and a member of the Hague Tribunal, will give a lecture illustrated by the stereopticon, on "War Preparations in Peace Time." Dean Hurlbut will preside at the meeting.

President Roosevelt was instrumental in obtaining Mr. Garfield for the meeting this evening, and Secretary of the Navy, W. H. Moody, in getting General Crozier.

Both speakers will arrive in Boston this morning from Washington.
