
Two Chess Club Tournaments.

A king's gambit tournament, open to members of the chess club, will be held next week. An entrance fee of twenty-five cents will be charged and the winner will be awarded a cup or medal. Entries must be sent to P. W. Bridgman, Thayer 43, by tomorrow.

The class tournament will be held in about two weeks. The teams, which will consist of three men each, will be chosen by the following captains: Senior team, L. P. Carr '04; Junior team, S. W. Howland '05; Sophomore team, Q. A. Brackett '06; Freshman team, W. C. Cogswell '07; Graduate team, L. W. Flaccus 3G. The team winning the Sophomore-Freshman match will play the Graduates and the winners of the match will play the winner of the Senior-Junior match for the class championship.
