The final debate in the interclass series will be held between the Senior and Sophomore teams in the Fogg Lecture Room on Wednesday evening, March 16, at 8 o'clock. At this debate the Pasteur Medal will be awarded to the speaker who makes the best individual showing. The question selected from the field of contemporaneous French politics has been chosen as follows: "Resolved, That the complete secularization of public education in France is for the best interests of the country." "Public education" is understood to refer to education supported wholly or in part by public subsidy.
The Seniors will have but one trial, which will be held Tuesday evening, February 23. at 7.30 o'clock in Harvard 1. At this trial each man will be allowed to speak ten minutes. The first Sophomore trial will be held on the same evening at 7 o'clock in Sever 11. Each competitor will then be allowed to speak five minutes, and six men will be retained. The second trial, on Friday evening. February 26, in Harvard 1, will be conducted in the form of a regular debate, each man making a main speech of twelve minutes and a rebuttal speech of five minutes.
All men intending to speak at any of the trials must hand in their names at Stoughton 5 before 1 o'clock, February 23.
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