At a meeting of the Freshman class held last night the following rules to govern the election of class officers were adopted:
1. There shall be three officers during the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years, namely: president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer; but during Senior year the secretary and treasurer shall be separate officers. Officers shall be elected in the Freshman year within two weeks after the Christmas recess; in other years in November by a method explained below.
2. At the election in Freshman year there shall be no restriction to the number of nominations, which shall be made informally at the meeting.
3. In other years the president then in office shall call a meeting in the first week of November for the purpose of electing a nominating committee of ten. At this meeting nominations for the committee may be made to the number of twenty, and a ballot then cast, the ten men receiving the highest number of votes to constitute the committee.
4. The committee so elected shall nominate within one week at least two candidates for each office, in addition to the men at that time holding office.
5. There shall be no restriction on this nominating committee; it may nominate any member of the class it wishes.
6. Additional nominations may be made by petition of fifty members of the class.
At the close of the meeting the president announced the appointment of the following committees:
Banquet Committee--N. L. Hall, chairman, A. E. McCarty, H. F. Evans, R. L. Bacon, L. Weston.
Beer Nights Committee--J. J. Higginson, Jr., chairman, N. F. Emmons, H. C. Hopewell, F. Starr, J. D. White.
Union Committee--G. T. Sugden, chairman, G. Whitney, R. W. Fernald.
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