
Mid-Year Examinations.

Examinations begin at 9.15 A. M., except those specially announced for 2.30 P. M. Examinations must not extend beyond three hours.

Regulations: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever."

"A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations." Examinations Today. Semitic 2,  Semitic Mus. 2 Semitic 16,  Lower Mass. Indic Philology 1a,  Warren House Classical Philol. 60,  Divinity Lib. Greek 3,  Lower Mass. German F,  Sever 5 German G,  Sever 5 German H,  Sever 6 Celtic 1,  Lower Mass. Celtic 3,  Lower Mass. Government 9,  Harvard 6 Economics 6,  Harvard 6 Philosophy 14,  Upper Dane Architecture 2a,  Robinson Hall Architecture 4a,  Robinson Hall Architecture 4b,  Robinson Hall Architecture 4c,  Robinson Hall Music 1,  Lower Mass. Mathematics 7b,  Lower Mass. Botany 3,  Bot. Mus. rm. 2 Geology 11,  Zool. Mus. rm. 2 Metallurgy 7,  Rotch Bldg. Examinations Tomorrow. Semitic 1,  Sem. Mus. 2 Greek BI,  Sever 35 Latin 1,  Sever 18 Latin 6,  Sever 35 English 2,  New Lect. Hall English 40,  New Lect. Hall German B,  Upper Dane German 29,  Sever 17 French 2aII, III, IV,  Fogg Lect. Rm. French 12,  Upper Dane History 9,  Harvard 6 Economics 3b,  Upper Mass. Philosophy 8,  Upper Dane. Education 5,  Lawrence 6 Architecture 1c,  Robinson Hall Fine Arts 20d,  Upper Dane Mathematics 4,  Univ. 19 Mathematics 8,  Univ. 19 Engineering 1a,  Zool. Lect. Rm. Chemistry 14,  Boylston 10 Zoology 4,  Zool. Mus. 4th fl. Geology 14,  Sever 5 and 6 Geology 16,  Geographical Lab. Geology 19,  Geographical Lab. Mineralogy 2,  Mineral. Lab. Mining 5,  Sever 35 Anthropology 5,  Lawrence 1 French 2c: (Assignment of Rooms, French 2c.) Alexander to Lipsky (inclusive),  Upper Mass. Littig to Young.  Lower Mass. History 12a:  (Assignment of Rooms, History 12a.) Abeles to Merrick (inclusive),  Sever 29 Merdock to Wood,  Sever 30

Mathematics FI:  (Assignment of Rooms, Mathematics FI.)Abbott to Leman (inclusive),  Sever 23Lewis to Woodbury,  Sever 24Engineering 3d:  (Assignment of Rooms, Engineering 3d.)Alden to Lyman (inclusive),  Pierce 209Marean to Wright,  Pierce 21
