
University Crew Squad Notice.

The following members of the University crew squad must procure membership tickets to one of the boat clubs and get lockers at once, to be ready to row tomorrow: M. R. Brownell, L. Burchard, J. P. B. Duffy, P. W. Flint, R. Foster, C. A. Hartwell, R. Haycock, A. C. Judd, F. C. Kellogg, C. Lawson, D. Lloyd, K. Moller, H. C. Ober, R. F. Pleasanton, W. C. Richmond, R. Sanger, O. N. Shepard, W. Shuebruk, E. E. Smith, L. T. Swaim, G. Switzer, J. D. Tew, H. B. Webster, J. L. White.
