

To Make Class Day Nominations.--Seniors Will Wear Class Buttons.

At a meeting of the Senior class last night, the following committee was appointed to make nominations for Class Day officers and to arrange for the class election: R. H. Bollard, J. P. Bowditch, W. H. Davis, H. S. Deming, W. T. Harrison, V. F. Jewett, H. D. Kernan, W. C. Matthews, R. E. Sard, L. M. Thornton, A. C. Travis. This committee will hold a short meeting at 1 o'clock today in the west end of the Living Room of the Union.

Monday evening at 7.15 o'clock a meeting of the class will be held, at which the committee will report a list of nominations, and will recommend rules for conducting the election. An all-day election of Class Day officers will be held on Friday, December 16, and of committees on Monday, December 19.

R. E. Sard, W. W. Manton and F. H. Haskell were constituted a committee to procure lapel buttons suitable for members of the class to wear until the time of putting on caps and gowns, in order that they may distinguish each other more readily.
