

Between Juniors and Sophomores in Gymnasium at 7.30 Tonight.

The final game for the class basketball championship will be played between the Juniors and the Sophomores at 7.30 o'clock this evening in the Gymnasium.

In the preliminary games of the interclass series, the Junior team defeated the Seniors by a score of 18 to 15, and the Sophomores won from the Freshmen by a score of 22 to 18. Both teams have played a spirited game throughout the season and have exhibited a dash which has, however, developed at times into a tendency to foul and also to neglect properly to cover opponents. The Juniors are slightly faster and surer in team work, but are inferior to the Sophomores in individual playing.

The line-up will be: 1906.  1907. Jones, r.f.  l.f., Murray Gallagher, l.f.  r.f., Reed Griffiths, c.  c., MacAusland or Smith Proctor, r.g.  l.g., Goode Montgomery, l.g.  r.g., Burnham
