
Anthropological Society Lecture.

The last lecture of the season under the auspices of the Anthropological Society will be given this evening in the Fogg Lecture Room at 8 o'clock, by Mr. C. P. Bowditch '63, of Boston. His subject will be "The Maya Hieroglyphs of Central America."

Mr. Bowditch, who is a deep student of this difficult subject, has not only shown much interest in the archaeological discoveries in the ruined cities of Yucatan, Mexico, but has also aided substantially in raising funds for the recent explorations carried on in those regions by the Peabody Museum. He is particularly interested in the attempts at deciphering hieroglyphics on monuments of the Maya people, and will discuss the methods employed in making out these inscriptions, as well as the progress which has been made in their explanation.

The lecture will be illustrated by stereopticon views, and is open to the public.
