
B. A. A. Won Return Shoot.

The University shooting team was defeated Saturday afternoon on Soldiers Field in its return match with the Boston Athletic Association, by a score of 245 to 220. Each team was composed of six men and each man shot at 50 birds thrown at unknown angles in rounds of ten. Although the University team won the first shoot on November 26 by a score of 207 to 203 the Boston Athletic Association won the series, 448 to 427. The highest individual score Saturday was made by Gleason, who shot 45 birds.

The individual scores were as follows:

B. A. A.--Gleason, 45; Hill, 37; Clark, 44; Ellis, 41; Edwards, 39; Adams, 39. Total, 245.

Harvard.--Foster, 39; Bartlett, 40; Gill, 25; Ward, 43; Marshall, 35; Wickersham, 38. Total, 220.
