
Meeting of Board of Overseers.

At a special meeting of the Board of Overseers, it was voted to concur with the Corporation in making the following appointments to the administrative board of the Graduate School for 1904-1905: John Henry Wright LL.D., dean; William Morris Davis M.E., George Foote Moore A.M., D.D., George Lyman Kittredge A.B., Hugo Munsterberg Ph.D., Maxime Bocher Ph.D., Thomas Nixon Carver Ph.D., and Wallace Clement Sabine A.M. It was also voted to concur with the Corporation in appointing William Sturgis Bigelow '71, Arthur Tracy Cabot '72 and T. J. Coolidge, Jr., trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts for one year from January 1, 1905; in establishing the Frothingham professorship of the history of religion; and in appointing Heinrich Conrad Bierwirth Ph.D., assistant professor of German for five years from September 1, 1905.
