
Association Football Club Formed.

At a meeting held last night to organize a Harvard Association Football Club, H. S. Wyndham-Gittens '00 was elected temporary president and a committee to manage all the present affairs of the club was elected as follows: A. Brooks '05, J. deR. Storey 1L., B. D. M. Greene '07 and B. H. Squires '06. The first practice will probably be held on Monday afternoon, and all men interested in the game are urged to take part. Games with local teams will be arranged and it is hoped that the club will enter the New England Association Football League.

The following men have handed in their names:

Fullbacks--H. R. Shurtleff '06, R. M. Gummere 2G., B. H. Squires '06, W. Clark '05.

Goals--B. M. Langstaff '08, F. Dexter sS., A. N. Reggio '06, I. B. Joralemon '05.

Halfbacks--K. T. Waugh 1G., P. G. Henderson '05, A. V. Kidder '08, A. Brooks '05, W. G. Means '06, A. L. Harwood '05, H. S. Wyndham-Gittens '06.


Forwards--W. F. Low '07, S. E. Dickinson '06, G. A. Gordon '06, A. W. Reggio '08, R. S. Titus '05, W. O. Dapping '05.

Wings--B. D. M. Greene '07, J. E. Zanetti '06, H. T. Pierpont '08, J. deR. Storey 1L.
