All candidates for the swimming, diving and water-polo teams will be called out immediately after the Christmas recess. Practice will begin in the Dunster tank on Wednesday evening, January 4, and will be held regularly thereafter on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights from 8 to 9 o'clock, until the University team is picked. Permission has been obtained to use the Brookline Swimming Tank on Wednesday night.
The class relay races will be held on January 18 and immediately after these races a University squad will be made up from last year's team and from the men who show the most promise in the class races. No men who have won the "H. S. A.," however, will be allowed to compete. W. T. Harrison '05 will coach the different teams in the Trudge on and side strokes, and H. P. Pratt '05 will have charge of the diving squad.
The annual meet with Yale will take place on March 8, and the meet with the Brookline Swimming Club on February 28. Probably the only meet away from the vicinity of Boston will be held with Brown, at Providence, about the last of February. A definite date will be announced later.
The prospects for a strong team this year are exceptionally bright, although the team will be handicapped by the loss of H. LeMoyne '07, who has left College. The following men of last year's team have returned and are eligible: J. Palmer '05, W. T. Harrison '05, N. E. Olds '05, A. Brooks '05, C. R. D. Meier '05, R. R. Hellmann '06, A. O. Christensen '06, T. S. Farrelley '06, O. N. Shepard '06, S. W. Webb '06, J. Cunniff '07, E. Farley '07, J. V. Quinlan '07.
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