The following program of exercises has been arranged for Tuesday, January 3, in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the death of Schiller.
At 3 o'clock literary exercises, open to the public, will be held in the Fogg Lecture Room. At 8 o'clock a theatrical performance will be given in Sanders Theatre by Mr. Heinrich Conried of the Metropolitan Opera House of New York. The performance will be under the auspices of the Deutscher Verein and the proceeds will be used for the benefit of the Germanic Museum. Mr. Conried and the speakers of the afternoon will be the guests of honor at a luncheon to be given by the Deutscher Verein in the Union at 1 o'clock.
President Eliot will preside at the aftertnoon literary exercises, at which Mr. W. R. Thayer'81 will speak on "The International Position of Schiller," and Professor Francke on "The Message of Schiller to Modern Life." Professor Munsterberg h.'01 will draw a comparison between Schiller and Goethe and will close the exercises by reading the epilogue written by Goethe for the representation of Schiller's "Glocke," given in Welmar in 1815 at the tenth anniversary of Schiller's death.
The thestrical performance will consist of parts of three of Schiller's masterpieces. Mr. Conried will recite "Die Kranciche des Ibykus," and members of the Irving Place Theatre will give the third act of "Mria Stuart," and "Das Lied ven der Glocke." The last named piece will be given with orchestral accompaniment and with tableaux by undergraduates, after the series of pictures by Kaulbach.
A number of good seats which were not disposed of by regular application have been put on sale at Sever's and at Herrick's. The price of floor and first balcony seats is $2 each, of second balcony seats $2 each, of second balcony seats $1 each.
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