At the annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Hockey Association; held recently in New York, T. B. Souther '04 was elected president for the coming year, and C. P. Gantert, Columbia '05, secretary. The following intercollegiate schedule was arranged:
January 7.--Columbia vs. Princeton.
January 11.--Brown vs. Princeton.
January 14.--Harvard vs. Columbia.
January 21.--Harvard vs. Princeton.
January 24.--Yale vs. Columbia.
January 28.--Yale vs. Brown.
February 4.--Columbia vs. Brown.
February 11.--Harvard vs. Brown; Yale vs. Princeton.
February 18.--Harvard vs. Yale.
All of these games will be played at the St. Nicholas Rink, New York, except the game between Brown and Harvard which will be played at Cambridge.
Dr. F. J. Goodridge '98, who played four years on the hockey team while in College, and was captain for one year, will coach the University team this season. Practice will be held on the two new rinks which are being constructed in the Stadium.
The prospects for a good team are promising as there is a large amount of material available, including the following six members of last year's team who have returned to College: T. Callaway '05 (captain), M. H. Ivy 1L., D. A. Newhall '06, E. MacLeod '05, E. Wilder '06, R. S. Townsend '07.
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