Of the sixteen men who played in the Yale game this year, eleven, including Captain Hurley, who will enter the Medical School, will be available for next year's football team. Considering this fact and the large number of other men whose experience will make them valuable next year, the indications are that from the point of view of material Harvard will start the season in a very promising condition. The only losses by graduation will be P. O. Mills '05, R. A. Derby '05 and S. H. Noyes '05, while T. G. Meier 1B., W. C. Matthews '05 and C. W. Randall '05, will be debarred by the four-year eligibility rule.
To fill Mills' place at fullback, where he has played so satisfactorily for the past two seasons, will be very difficult, of the men on the squad this year, W. Hanley '07, who has played in some of the minor games, seems the most likely candidate.
For the other backfield positions there is an abundance of good material. Captain Hurley, by his brilliant work in all departments of the game, is easily the most prominent. Besides him, there will be R. E. Sperry '06, J. D. Nichols '06, F. H. Nesmith '06, H. Foster '07, J. Reynolds, Jr., '07, and J. Wendell '08. Both Sperry and Nichols have played in Yale games, Wendell took part in the Pennsylvania game this year, and Foster and Nesmith have played in some of the minor games; Reynolds has been on the second team. At quarterback, D. P. Starr '08 has shown marked ability in running the team, although he has been handicapped by lack of experience. From present indications the only other prominent candidate for this position will be J. Kerans '07, who was quarterback on the second eleven this year.
The outlook for the line, exclusive of ends, is brighter than it has been for several years. Of the men who played of the Yale game, the following will return: B. H. Squires '06, F. H. White '06, K. F. Brill '08, B. Parker '08 and J. Parkinson '06. Other men who have played in the more important games this fall and will be eligible next year are: R. Oveson '05, who will enter the Law School, D. McFadon '06, W. Z. Carr H. B. Barney '08. From the second team, H. C. Pell '06, W. Pierce '07 and P. Upham '07 are likely candidates for line positions.
The principal problem which will confront the team will be the choice of ends. None of the men who will return next year has shown unusual ability, but all should improve by next fall. Montgomery's work has probably been the most promising of any of the candidates. In addition to him, the following men will be available. L. H. Leary 1L., F. S. Pruyn '07, F. K. Leatherbee '07, R. Shurtleff '06, A. C. Blagden '06, H. H. Whitman '06, and N. L. Hall '07.
The men on the Freshman team this year who have shown the most ability are G. S. Talbot, P. Grant and S. D. Warren, Talbot, with good coaching, should develop into a useful man, as he is a fair punter and has the weight necessary for a guard.
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