Saturday, December 17.
**MUSEUM WALK, to see Collections of Vertebrates in the Museum of Zoology. Leader: Dr. Rand. meet at 2 P. M. at North Door of University Museum, Oxford street side.
**NATURAL HISTORY WALK, to study Sand Dunes and Beach Zoology at Ipswich. Weather permitting, take 7.30 A. M. train from North Station, and returning arrive at North Station at 6.45 P. M. Bring lunch.
Sunday, December 18.
*APPLETON CHAPEL, 7.30 P. M. Rev. Lyman Abbott, D.D., of New York, N.Y. Rev. Lyman Abbott, D.D., will conduct morning prayers from December 19 to December 22. He may be found at Wadsworth House 1 daily from 9 till 11.
Monday, December 19.
PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE. Meeting at No. 50 States street, Boston, 10.30 A. M.
SEMINARY OF ECONOMICS. "The French Corn Laws from 1515 to 1660," Mr. A. P. Usher. University 23, 4.30 P. M.
**ZOLLOGICAL CLUB. "The Color Pattern of Nanemys Guttata," Dr. R. M. Yerkers; "Studies of Variation," Professor R. T. Jackson; Short papers. Room 1, fourth floor, Zoological Museum, 4.45 P. M.
**PHYSCIAL COLLOQUIUM. "The Volta Effect." Mr. S. B. Serviss. Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 25, 5 P. M.
*ANNUAL SENIOR JUNIOR INTERCLASS DEBATE, New Lecture hall, 8 P. M. Question: "Resolved, That it should be the policy of the United States not to hold territory permanently, unless with the purpose that it shall ultimately enjoy statehood." Principal disputants" Senior affirmative--W. H. Davis, W. O. Hubbard, W. Tyng; Junior negative--A. N. Holcombe, M. Kabatchnick, H. A. Nye.
MUSICAL CLUB CONCERT. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 8 P. M. Tickets, with reserved seats, at one dollar art for sale at Sever's Bookstore, Cambridge.
Tuesday, December 20
FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Meeting at University 5, P. M.
**GEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE. Papers--"Note on Torrential and" (10 minutes), Mr. W. O. Snelling; "The Building Stones of Rome and Athens" (40 minutes), Professor Shaler. Geological lecture Room, 8 P. M.
*AWARD OF ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS IN HARVARD COLLEGE. Address by Major Henry Lee Higginson. Sanders Theatre, 8 P. M. Seats reserved for invited guests till 7.50 P. M.
Wednesday, December 21.
SEMITIC CONFERENCE. "The Messianic Plea in the Book of Daniel" Dr. Haynes. Semitic Museum, Room 2, 4.30 P. M.
LECTURE. "Portraiture of the Emperor Tiberius and his Contemporaries, Professor Morgan. (Illustrated by the Stereopticon.) Harvard 1, 4.30 P. M. This lecture, intended for members of Latin 1, is open to the public.
*HISTORY CLUB. "The Origins of Russian Socialism." Professor Paul Milyoukov, of St. Petersburg. Sanders Theacre, 4.30 P. M. Seats reserved for members of the University till 4.25 P. M.
**ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. "A Talk to College Men." Rev. Dr. Elwodd Worcester, of Emanuel Church, Boston. Noble Room, Phillips Brooks House, 7 P. M.
Thursday December 22.
*VESPER SERVICE. Appleton Chapel, 5 P. M.
Friady, December 23.
The Christmas Recess begins today and ends on January 2, 1905.
Friday, December 30.
**UNIVERSITY TEA. Phillips Brooks House, 4 to 6 P. M.
Monday, January 2.
Last day for receiving dissertations for the Boyisot Medical Prizes.
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Second Assistant Track Manager.