

Large Enthusiastic Gathering Was Held in the Living Room of the Union.

The first "pop-night" was held in the Living Room of the Union last night, and proved an unqualified success. Long after soft drinks and ice cream had given out, the crowd still overflowed the tables and filled the doorways and gallery. The University Orchestra, opening with the "Marseillaise," played through a program of new songs, including "The Crimson," by P. H. Daggett '07, "Awake Ye Sons of Old Harvard," by J. W. Johnston '05, and "The Union," by P. W. L. Cox '06. Between the selections the old songs, started here and there by groups at tables, were taken up enthusiastically by the entire crowd. At the close, "Up the Street," "Veritas," "Scotty" and "In Harvard" were played by the orchestra, the two last named especially, being received with great enthusiasm. The singing of "Fair Harvard" concluded one of the most successful entertainments that has ever been given in the Union.
