A meeting under the auspices of the St. Paul's Society will be held in the Noble Room, Phillips Brooks House, this evening at 7 o'clock. Short addresses will be made by Rev. Henry McNulty, of Princeton, on "The Call to Christian Service in the Philippines, Japan and China," and by Rev. A. D. Gring, on "A Comparison of the Introduction of Christianity and Buddhism into Japan, and their Present Status There."
The meeting will be open to all members of the University and undergraduates interested in the study of missions are especially invited.
Another meeting, open only to invited guests, particularly the members of the Boston Students' Volunteer League, will be held later in the evening. The same speakers will make addresses.
Dr. McNulty, who is the travelling secretary of the Church Students' Missionary Association, will be in Phillips Brooks House all day tomorrow to see any men who wish to confer with him on missionary work.
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Dr. Van Dyke at Appleton Chapel.