
Exhibition of Busts of Caesar


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

A unique exhibition will shortly take place in one of the rooms of the Fogg Museum of Art under the auspices of the Department of Classics in Harvard University. This is a collection of casts of a score of the principal busts of Julius Caesar, gathered by Mr. Frank J. Scott, of Toledo, Ohio, the author of a work published in 1903, entitled "Portraitures of Julius Caesar." The originals of these casts are scattered in museums all over Europe, so that never before has the opportunity been afforded to study the portraits side by side, and thus to approach a solution of the problem of the personal appearance of the great dictator. There will also be exhibited photographs of some of the other busts, as well as coins bearing Caesar's head.

The collection was made by Mr. Scott during four years of travel and study of the subject in Europe, and he has kindly lent it to the Department for exhibition. There will be a private view, to which special invitations have been issued, on Friday evening, November 11, and the exhibition will be open to the public on the next day and thereafter for a time which is at present not definitely fixed. It will naturally be of interest not merely to archaeologists, but to sculptors and artists in general as well as to teachers of the works of Caesar and to their pupils in our schools.


The first American to treat this subject was the late John C. Ropes '57, of Boston, in an article in Scribner's Magazine for 1887; but his publication as well as that of Bernouilli of Basel is far exceeded numerically by that of Mr. Scott.
