
Benefit for Germanic Museum.

Under the auspices of the Deutscher Verain Mr. Heinrich Conried, director of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, will give a performance for the benefit of the Germanic Museum, on the evening of January 3, in Sanders Theatre. The performance, which has been arranged for the observance of the one hundredth anniversary of Schiller's death, will consist of the presentation of three of his works. Mr. Conried will recite "Die Kraniche des lbykus," and members of the Irving Place Theatre, New York, will perform the third act of "Maria Stuart," which represents the famous meeting of Elizabeth and Mary. "Das Lied von der Glocke" will be presented by tableaux, accompanied by orchestral music. The tableaux will be given by undergraduates of the University and Mr. Conried is having an orchestra especially trained for the accompaniment.

Announcement of the sale of tickets for the performance will be made later.
