
1908 Eleven Plays Cushing Today.

The Freshman football team will play Cushing Academy this afternoon at 2 o'clock on Soldiers Field. During the past week the Freshmen have made some improvement in their offensive work, but their defense is still weak. As Cushing has a strong team this season, the Freshmen will have to play a better game than they have thus far, in order to win this afternoon.

The line-up will be as follows: FRESHMEN.  CUSHING. Bacon, l.e.  r.e., Balcom Pell, l.t.  r.t., Adams Boyer, l.g.  r.g., Avery Grant, c.  c., Dwight Talbot, r.g.  l.g., O'Connor Warren, r.t.  l.t., Green Ball, r.e.  l.e., Ross Newhall, q.b.  q.b., Balcom Lincoln, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Houlihan Derby, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Paquet Somes, f.b.  f.b., Hiton
