
Result of Freshman Race.

In the Freshman fall race yesterday Crew A defeated Crew B by eight feet in an exciting contest. The time of the race was eight minutes, which was fairly good considering that the crews rowed against the tide and on stationary seats. The start was made about a mile up-stream from the Newell Boat Club and the finish was opposite the boathouse. Crew A got the better start and at once took the lead, rowing a stroke of 36. At the first bend in the course Crew B, which was rowing a 32 stroke, was a length behind but at the second bend this lead had been reduced to half a length. Crew B then raised its stroke to 36 and from the beginning of the straightaway to the finish the crews were practically even. Both crews were now rowing a strong 38 stroke. Towards the end Crew A pulled ahead a little, winning by eight feet.

After the race C. Wiggins was elected captain of the Freshman squad for the fall season, which will continue as long as the weather permits.

The orders of the crews were as follows:

Crew A--Stroke, Mackay; 7, Dexter; 6, Kidder; 4, Morgan; 4, Howe; 3, Payson; 2, Tilton; bow, Fahnestock; cox., Arnold.

Crew B--Stroke, Fargo; 7, Wiggins; 6, Edwards; 5, Marsh; 4, Berditt; 3, Hall; 2, Comstock; bow, Gould; cox., Whitney.
