
Cross Country Team Trials.

The trials to select the cross country team which will represent the University in the run with the Institute of Technology on November 12 and in the intercollegiate meet on November 23, were held yesterday over a course of about four and a half miles around Fresh Pond. Eighteen men entered the run, of whom the first six finished in the following order, the best time being 32 minutes, 15 seconds: H. H. Rowland '06, K. W. Lamson '06, W. G. Howard '07, M. H. Stone '07, C. J. Jackman 2L., S. Whitaker 3L. These six men will go to the training table on Monday.

Later in the month a hare and hound run will be held for the benefit of the men who did not make the team, so that all are advised to keep in training. Prizes will probably be awarded.

The run with Technology will be held in Brookline. The distance will be six miles, two-thirds across fields and one-third on roads. The intercollegiate meet will probably take place at Travers Island as last year, when Harvard won second place.
