
Sides Chosen in Class Debates.

In the debate between the Juniors and Seniors on December 20 the Juniors will defend the negative of the question, "Resolved, That it should be the policy of the United States not to hold territory permanently, unless with the purpose that it shall ultimately enjoy statehood."

The Freshmen, in their debate with the Sophomores on December 16, will support the affirmative of the question, "Resolved, That the army canteen should be re-established."

The Senior and Sophomore teams will he coached by F. B. Wagner 3L., the Junior team by M. Thelen sL., and the Freshman team by G. Bettman 1L.

At a recent meeting of the Debating Council it was decided to grant class debating caps to all members of the Freshman debating team and to the members of whichever upperclass team might win the class championship.
