At the services in Appleton Chapel's last evening Bishop John H. Vincent h. '96 preached from the text, "whatsoever things are honorable, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Religion to many people, said Bishop Vincent, means personal safety and security from discomfort. Real religion is a different thing. It rejoices in the message of eternal life, but it never loses sight of earth. Its claims are vital and practical. 14 calls upon a man to think with enthusiasm and attention upon the true and honorable and lovely things of life.
Our American theory is that of a Christian nation, with Christian motives, Christian ideals, and a Christian standard of ethics. To further this theory we should first forget the mass of humanity in singling out the units. This process should begin with the surrender of one's self to God. Second we should think--the need today is for a generation of thinking Christians--in order that we may not hold the old, worn out, abandoned conceptions, but may gain a rational and vigorous Christianity. In the third place we should reach out to humanity. The unit that thinks must embrace the race. No man has a right to live for himself. Fourth, unselfish living must be applied to our neighbors in need and to the institutions and worthy causes about us which deserve our aid.
Bishop Vincent will conduct morning prayers till December 8.
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