
Class Debating News and Plans.

The final trial for the Junior Debating team, held last evening, resulted in the selection of H. A. Nye, A. N. Holcombe and M. Kabatchnick as the team to debate against the Seniors on December 20. The six speakers at the trial were as follows: J. W. Plaisted, H. A. Nye, A. N. Holcombe, M. Kabatchnick, J. A. Harley and J. W. Russell.

The question submitted by the Seniors to the Juniors for debate is as follows: "Resolved, that it should be the policy of the United States not to hold territory permanently, unless with the purpose that it shall ultimately enjoy statehood." The Senior team is composed of W. H. Davis, W. O. Hubbard and W. Tyng.

The debate between the Sophomores and the Freshmen will be held on December 16. Following are the members of the teams: Sophomores--S. F. Peavey, G. J. Hirsch, M. C. Leckner; Freshmen--P. L. Butler, E. R. Lewis, D. Rosenblum. The question for debate is: "Resolved, that the canteen should be reestablished."
