To commemorate the one hundredth anniversary of the death of Schiller Mr. Heinrich Conried, of the Metropolitan Opera House of New York, will give a theatrical performance in Sanders Theatre on Tuesday, January 3, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Deutscher Verein. The proceeds will be used for the benefit of the Germanic Museum. The program will consist of three of Schiller's masterpieces. Mr. Conried will recite "Die Kraniche des Ibykus," and members of the Irving Place Theatre will give the third act of "Maria. Stuart," and "Das Lied von der Glocke." The last named piece will be given with orchestral accompaniment and with tableaux by undergraduates, after the series of pictures by Kaulbach.
Applications for seats, accompanied by remittances, must be sent before Saturday, December 17, to C. Ehlermann, Jr., Beck 23. Applications will be filled in the order of their receipt, but tickets will not be mailed until December 20. All tickets not disposed of by application will be put on sale at Sever's on Tuesday, December 20, at 9 A. M.
The prices of tickets are as follows: floor and first gallery, $2.00; second gallery, $1.00. On December 5 and 6 there will be a special sale of second gallery seats at Sever's for students of the University and of Radcliffe College. These seats will be sold at 50 cents each but no students will be allowed to buy more than one ticket.
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