About thirty-five new men are now practicing for the fencing team and these, together with the men left from last year's team, should provide abundant material for the University and class squads. For the present the men are being coached by members of former University teams, but M. Pianelli has been procured to coach at least once a week throughout the year. Practice will be held regularly every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 o'clock, in the basement of the Gymnasium.
The only men from last year's team who have returned to College are A. Tyng '05, and W. MacLeod 1L. There is, however, much promising material among last year's substitutes. The team this year will have to rely entirely upon subscriptions for its support, and men who wish professional coaching will have to provide it for themselves.
There will be two novice tournaments and a Junior tournament, given by the Fencers' Club during the season. The class teams will begin work soon and the interclass matches will be held on Wednesday, December 21. The winning team will receive cups given by H. Saint Gaudens '03. Meets will be held with the Institute of Technology and other teams, but the only trip to be taken away from Cambridge will be to the intercollegiate meet, to be held in New York about the end of March.
Following is a list of the men who have handed in their names as candidates for the teams: T. G. Sesse '08, S. A. Elseman '07, G. B. Beach '07, C. H. Toll 1G., G. H. Conant 1G., V. T. Wellman '08, J. Weare '07, W. L. Stoddard '07, J. A. Richie '07, W. W. Reed '07, F. W. McAvoy '07, W. F. Low '07, R. E. Gish '07, W. L. Gifford '07, C. J. Stevens '06, L. P. Soule '06, M. B. Palmer '06, C. A. Bliss '08, H. A. Hirsh '05, C. B. Keeler '05, B. Madero '07, L. Sargent '05, C. E. Tilton '08, W. H. Barrow '08, C. T. Brodrick '08, G. A. Cushman '06, D. Macomber '06, A. V. Gould '08, R. L. Racon '07, E. G. Cuesta '07, P. K. Conant '05, C. Parker '08.
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