
Yale Letter.

The game with Harvard on Saturday finished one of the most successful seasons in the history of football at Yale. Starting the year with only six members of last year's team and no promising material in the freshman class, the team, by dint of much work and daily scrimmages, gradually developed a form which culminated in the Princeton and Harvard games. The team was one of the most powerful that has ever been produced at Yale, but seemed to lack finish. The line was stronger than the backfield and compared favorably with any line of previous years. Great credit is due to Head-coach Rafferty, Captain Hogan and Trainer Murphy for the splendid machine that they build up. The team was so well knit that it would be hard to single out any individual player as better than the others.

The prospects for next year are only fair, as six members of the team will be lost by graduation. Unless the incoming freshman class contains good material it will be difficult to fill these vacancies.

Basketball practice will begin on Monday when candidates for the university team will be called out. A very attractive schedule including a southern trip during the Christmas vacation has been arranged. This trip is an innovation and takes the place of the usual western trip. The prospects for a winning team are bright, as three members of last year's regular team and three substitutes have returned to college.

Calcium Night was celebrated last Tuesday, when members of the sophomore class were taken into the junior fraternities. The elections took place in the customary manner after the societies and marched through the campus.

At a meeting of the senior class, held on Wednesday evening, the remaining class committees were elected. Members of the triennial, cap and gown picture, and cup committees were chosen. Frame Browne of Columbus, Ohio, was unanimously elected class historian.


Thomas Leo McClung '92 has been appointed treasurer of the university to succeed Morris Tyler (resigned). The new treasurer was the most popular man in his class, was a member of the prom committee and captain of the football team in his senior year.
