Facts concerning the Harvard-Yale game are as follows:
In the first half the University team rushed 11 times for a gain of 35 yards and for a loss of 13 years; Yale rushed 53 times, gaining 151 yards and losing 9. The University team punted 5 times for a total distance of 193 yards; Yale made 89 yards in 2 punts. Harvard ran kicks back twice for a total gain of 28 yards and Yale ran them back 5 times for a gain of 79 yards. Each team fumbled three times, twice losing the ball. Harvard was penalized 7 yards, and Yale 15.
In the second half the University team made 17 rushed for a total gain of 54 yards and a loss of 15 yards. Yale in 30 rushes gained 92 yards and lost 7. Harvard punted 6 times for a distance of 149 yards, and Yale in 8 attempts made 235 yards. Each team ran back kicks twice, Harvard making 16 yards, and Yale 39. The University team fumbled three times and lost the ball every time. Yale made one fumble but regained the ball. Harvard was penalized 20 yards and Yale 30.
Harvard's average gain by rushing was 3 1-10 yards, and Yale's was 2 9-10 yards. Harvard's punts averaged 31 yards and Yale's, 32 4-10 yards. In running back kicks the University eleven averaged 4 4-10 yards, its opponents, 10 7-10 yards.
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