
Republican Parade Tonight.

The torchlight parade of the Republican Club will start from Brattle Square at 7.15 o'clock this evening. In case of rain, bulletins will be posted announcing a postponement to the following evening. From Brattle Square the line of march will be to Harvard Square, to Massachusetts avenue, to Harvard street, to Lee street, to Massachusetts avenue, to Columbus avenue, to Park Square, to Boylston street, to Washington street, to School street, to the State House, where the parade will disband.

The order of march will be: police, band of twenty peices, calcium light, head marshal and aides, Law School, Medical and Dental Schools, Graduate School, Divinity School, Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen. At Harvard Bridge a squad of mounted police will meet the parade and escort it through the streets of Boston. Transparencies with class numerals, symbols of the various departments, and fitting campaign quotations, together with a large Roosevelt-Fairbanks banner will be provided by the Republican Club.

Caps and gowns may be procured, only on presentation of a ticket, in front of Grays Hall between 1 and 6.30 o'clock this afternoon. Torches filled with oil will be given out during the same hours from the open lot in Brattle Square, directly opposite the Police Station.

Although the number of costumes already sold has exceeded the first estimate, a few extra tickets have been secured and will be put on sale today at the Union, Leavitt & Peirce's. Butler's, the Co-operative and the Medical School.

The marshals for the parade will be the officers of the club, the executive committee, and the following men: G. W. Hinckley 2L., R. Ernst 2L., A. Black 2L., A. Fox 2L., C. H. Lawrence 2M., W. J. C. Shayre 1M., J. B. Switt 1M., R. S. Wallace 1G., J. A. Field 2G., W. A. Schick '05, H. B. Webster '05, W. T. Harrison '05, A. C. Travis '05, J. Bowditch '05, R. Winsor '05, B. K. Stephenson '06, F. A. Goodhue '06, C. D. Morgan '06, G. T. Sugden '07, H. W. Durant '07, J. H. Ijams '07, D. G. Field '07. S. N. Hinckley '05 will lead the cheering.


All marshals should provide themselves with caps and gowns and report at 6.30 o'clock at Butler's where insignia, red lights, and megaphones will be distributed.
