NEW HAVEN, Conn., November 17.--The Harvard football squad, accompanied by Coaches Wrightington, Cochrane, Lewis, and Shaw, reached here at 1 o'clock this afternoon and went immediately, by special cars, to the Pequot Club at Morris Cove. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the team and substitutes were given a long signal practice in a canvas-enclosed field near the quarters. In the practice both Nichols and Sperry did some good punting. At the end of the work today the entire squad was given a half-mile run. Meier did not engage in the signal practice, but took a long run. All the men are in good condition, and Meier, Derby, and Brill are rapidly recovering from their recent injuries, making it probable that they will play Saturday.
The line-up of the University team in the signal practice was as follows: l.e., Randall; l.t., Brill; l.g., White, c., Parker; r.g., Squires; r.t., Derby; r.e., Montgomery; q.b., Starr; l.h.b., Sperry; r.h.b., Hurley; f.b., Mills.
The squad is composed of the following men: Brill, Carr, Cunniff, Derby, Foster, Hanley, Hurley, Jones, Kernan. Leary, Leatherbee, McFadon, Matthews, T. Meier, Mills, Montgomery, Nesmith, Nichols. Noyes, Osborne, Oveson, Paul, Parker, Parkinson, Pruyn, Randall, Schoenfuss. Sperry, Squires, Starr, Wendell, F. H. White, Whitman.
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