
Dr. Woods' Lecture Tonight

A lecture under the auspices of the Anthropological Society will be given at 8 o'clock this evening in the Fogg Lecture Room by Dr. James H. Woods, on "Ghost Worship and Buddhism in India." Dr. Woods, who is a member of the department of philosophy, is now editing the "Yoga-Chasya" for the Harvard Oriental Series. He has studied in the Pundit schools in Benares, has practiced the methods of inducing the trances of Yoga, and has travelled extensively with Buddhist scholars in the Himalayas, on the borders of Thibet.

Other lectures under the auspices of the Anthropological Society will be given on December 2, when Dr. Franz Boas, of Columbia University, will speak on "Characteristics of Primitive Culture," and on December 7, when Mr. C. P. Bowditch '63 will speak on "The Maya Hieroglyphs of Central America." The latter lecture will be illustrated.

These lectures will all be open to the public.
