
Courses of the Forestry Department

Four new courses in forestry have been added this year to the three courses given last year. The new courses are the following: Forestry 4, Forestry 5, Forestry 6, and Forestry 7. With the courses given last term these constitute all the knowledge of the subject necessary to a professional forester. The program of the Forestry Department, in which twenty men are enrolled this year, prescribes a four-year's course, the first two years of which are devoted to work preparatory to that in forestry.

Most of the field work comes in Forestry 1, Forestry 6, and Forestry 7. In Forestry 1, which is the study of silvi-culture, excursions are made twice a week to tracts of forest in the neighborhood of Cambridge. In Forestry 6, the study of lumbering, each student is required during the winter term to visit and report upon a selected lumber camp. The field work in Forestry 7 includes reports upon special areas of forest, and in the spring term upon the construction of a working plan for a large tract of forest.
