
Technology Won Cross Country Run.

The Institute of Technology cross country team defeated the University team on Saturday in a five-mile run over a course beginning at the Highland Station in West Roxbury, and finishing at Technology's new grounds in Brookline. Loronz of Technology took the lead at the start and held it throughout the run. For the first half of the run H. H. Rowland '06 held second place, but toward the end was passed by W. G. Howard '07. Lorenz finished one-eighth of a mile in the lead, W. G. Howard '07 was second, Calloway of Technology third, and K. W. Lamson '06 fourth. The time was 24 minutes, 58 seconds.

Beginning today the cross country squad will hold daily runs in preparation for the intercollegiate meet to be held at Travers Island the latter part of this month.
