Friday, October 7.
UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. National Problems and Christian Solutions. Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., Bishop of Massachusetts, presiding. Sanders Theatre, 8 P. M. The South: Rt. Rev. T. F. Gailor D.D., Bishop of Tennessee, and Chancellor of the University of the South. The West: Rt. Rev. C. P. Anderson, D.D., Bishop Coadjutor of Chicago. The East: Rt. Rev. Alex. Mackay-Smith, D.D., Bishop of Pennsylvania. The Call to Christian Service: His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Open to members of the University only, except a few seats in the second gallery, which may be obtained (not more than two to any one applicant) on application to P. E. Osgood, Phillips Brooks House.
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1908 Eleven Plays Andover Today.