
Yale Letter.

College opened last Thursday with the largest registration in the history of Yale. The statistics show a slight increase in the number entering the Sheffield Scientific School, and a slight decrease in the Freshman class of the Academic Department.

Football practice began on Monday, September 19, with a squad of twenty men; since that time the squad has been increased to fifty-five candidates. The material, although lighter than in previous years, is fast and the outlook for the team is fairly bright. Of last year's team the following are eligible to play: Captain Hogan, Kinney, Roraback, Owsley, Bowman, Rockwell, Shevlin, Hare and Bloomer. Among the new candidates, the following seem to be the most promising: Quill, Tripp, Cates, Roome, Stevenson, H. Turner, Kineon and L. Hoyt. The first game, with Wesleyan, although won by a score of 22 to 0, showed the team decidedly weak in team work. The contest with Trinity on Saturday displayed an improvement in this direction, but revealed a great tendency to fumble. During the past ten days Head Coach Rafferty has been assisted by W. L. Mitchell 1904, E. T. Glass 1904S., S. O. Vanderpool 1902, F. A. Hinkey '95, F. S. Butterworth '95 and W. C. Camp '80.

Wednesday night brought forth the annual Sophomore-Freshman wrestling matches, with the unusual result that the Freshmen carried two out of the three first honors. The Sheff rushes and wrestling matches resulted in a like manner. The fantastical costumes of the Senior class caused considerable comment.

This October marks the opening of three of Yale's finest buildings--the Vanderbilt-Scientific dormitory, Kirtland Hall and Lampson Lyceum. Vanderbilt Hall begins a new departure in the life of the Sheffield Scientific School, as heretofore it has had no college dormitories. Kirtland Hall is the new home of the Department of Mineralogy and Physical Geography. Its laboraties greatly facilitate the teaching of this branch of science at Yale. The need of Lampson Lyceum has been most pronounced, as here are located the headquarters of the Dean, Registrar and Bursar. It also contains an auditorium, debating rooms and fourteen recitation halls. The Hammond Metallurgical Laboratory is now in course of construction and will not be ready for occupancy before next fall.

A feature of Yale's new educational polley is the establishment of a new department, known as the Department of the Theory and Practice of Education. The aim of this department is to provide a course especially designed for teachers in public and private schools. This course will involve a comparative study of national systems of education, a comparative study of educational ideals, school organization and administration, school legislation, general history of education, educational psychology, genetic psychology, philosophy of education, study of special problems of education and research work. This new department will be in charge of Professor E. H. Sneath.


Fall baseball, track and crew practice will begin this week. The autumn crew work ends with the fall regatta the latter part of the month.
