The twenty-fourth annual tournament of the Intercollegiate Tennis Association will begin this afternoon on the courts of the Merion Cricket Club. Haverford, Pennsylvania, and will continue throughout the week. Following are the colleges which have entered teams: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Cornell, Williams and Haverford. The University team is composed of B. S. Prentice '05 (captain), J. I. B. Larned '05, H. H. Whitman '06 and F. J. Sulloway '05.
Last year Yale won the intercollegiate championship both in singles and doubles, but as no members of last year's team are entered for the present tournament it is improbable that Yale will win. Of this year's University team Prentice and Larned are the only ones who played last year. In the national tournament held at Newport in August, Prentice and Sulloway did well, the latter being defeated by B. C. Wright '03 only after a hard four set match.
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Yale, 6; Springfield Training School, 0