
Fall Tennis Tournament Results.

In the fall tennis tournament yesterday afternoon, J. I. B. Larned '05 and F. J. Sulloway '05 won the doubles championship of the University by defeating A. Fox 2L. and F. W. Cole 1L., 4-6, 6-2, 6-2, 5-7, 6-3. The playing of both teams was remarkably good considering the strong wind which blew across the court. Throughout the match the rallies were unusually long and spectacular, and both teams lobbed continually and played at the net at every opening. With the sets two all, Larned Sulloway braced and by steady net play won the final set, 6-3.

The final match in singles, between P. L. Miller 2L. and F. W. Cole 1L. will be played tomorrow afternoon.

Entries for the interclass tournament which begins tomorrow afternoon, close tonight at 6 o'clock. The captains of the class teams should hand in to J. I. B. Larned, 54 Mt. Auburn street, before that time, the names of their men, the order in which they are to play, and the pairings for doubles. An entrance fee of one dollar will be charged for each man in the singles, but no fees will be charged in the doubles.
