
Republican Club Parade November 2.

The Republican Club parade will be held on Wednesday evening, November 2. Tickets for the parade outfit, consisting of red cap and gown, and torch filled with oil, are now on sale at $1 each, at the Union, Leavitt & Peirce's, and Butler's. On the day of the parade, holders of tickets may secure the outfit at a place to be announced later. The contract for the outfits has been let to the Hayden Costume Co., of Boston, and it is essential that they know as early as possible the total number of outfits wanted, as a large supply cannot be made up at the last moment.

There will be an automobile section in the parade, and men who wish to enter their machines are requested to send in their names at once to F. A. Carrick, 14 Trowbridge Place.

The following committees have been appointed: on parade--F. A. Carrick '07, F. R. Starr '07, H. Green '08; on outfit tickets--R. S. Wallace 1G., G. W. Morse 1M., P. Boyer '08.

The editorial board of the "Harvard Republican" will consist of the officers and executive committee of the club, ex-officio, and C. Ehlermann 1G., P. Dana 1L., M. S. McN. Watts 1G., T. J. Damon '05, F. H. Haskell '06, R. W. Beach '06, A. E. Wood '06, and O. Bates '07.
