

Work Not Especially Encouraging.--First Eleven Made Only One Touchdown.

The work of the University football squad in secret practice yesterday was hard and snappy, but not especially encouraging. A strong second team was line up to develop the offense of the first eleven, which advanced with difficulty by short gains, and was held twice for downs by the second. Mills played a good attacking game. On the second team, Hanley, Nesmith and Sperry were very steady as the secondary defence. Cunniff took part in the scrimmage, and Montgomery, Blagden, Derby, Meier and Paul were on the field doing light work. Parkinson, who has a slight cold, and Parker, whose ankle was strained Saturday, were not out. The latter will probably be in good condition for the Pennsylvania game: Nichols hurt his arm slightly in falling on the ball. In signal practice the first eleven lined up as follows: l.e., Randall; l.t., Brill; l.g., McFadon; c., Cunniff; r.g., Squires; r.t., Oveson; r.e., Shurtleff; q.b., Kernan; l.h.b., Osborne; r.h.b., Hurley; f.b., Mills.

In the scrimmage, the second team kicked off, and Wendell carried the ball in from the 3- to the 15-yard line, where he was tackled hard by Jones. After a few rushes Leary punted, and the second team soon lost the ball by fumbling. The first eleven tried a fake kick on the second's 50-yard line, and Leary ran with the ball to the 15-yard line. On the 8-yard line the first eleven was held for downs. The second team then punted, and the first eleven rushed from the 40- to the 25-yard line, where it was again held for downs by the second. After another punt by the second team the first eleven rushed from the second's 35-yard line to the 1-foot line, where Kernan fumbled. Pierce got the ball for the second team, which punted, and Wendell circled right end from the 35-yard line for a gain of 15 yards. With difficulty the first eleven advanced the ball to the 3-yard line, and Mills made the touchdown.

The line-up: FIRST ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. Randall, l.e.  r.e., Shurtleff Sibley, l.t.  r.t., Sherman McFadon, l.g.  r.g., Upham Cunniff, c.  c., Fraser White, r.g.  l.g., Pierce Carr, r.t.  l.t., J. Jones Leary, r.e.  l.e., Wilder Kernan, q.b.  q.b., Kerans Osborne, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Nesmith Wendell, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Sperry Mills, f.b.  f.b., Hanley
