

The tables printed below give the numbers enrolled in the several departments of the University on October 15, and similar figures based on the registration at the corresponding time last year. It will be noticed that every department of the University, except the Law School and the Bussey Institution, shows some loss, while even the Law School, which made a remarkable gain last year, remains practically stationary.     1904  1903 College:   Seniors,  264  318   Juniors,  439  419   Sophomores,  603  637   Freshmen,  548  560   Specials,  148  136     2002  2070 Scientific School:   Fourth year,  86  89   Third year,  64  102   Second year,  140  139   First year,  115  113   Specials,  119  112     524  555 Graduate School:   Resident,  346  374   Non-resident,  12  12     358  386 Total Arts and Sciences,  2884  3011 Divinity School:   Graduates,  14  14   Third year,  5  7   Second year,  5  4   First year,  12  7   Specials,  6  17     42  49     1904  1903 Law School:   Graduates,  1  3   Third year,  177  178   Second year,  288  197   First year,  272  290   Specials,  53  56     731  724 Medical School:   Graduates,  14  9   Fourth year,  78  142   Third year,  69  76   Second year,  69  69   First year,  68  78     298  374 Dental School:   Graduates,    1   Third year,  43  35   Second year,  39  29   First year,  27  51     109  116 Bussey Institution,  22  17 Grand total in all departments, except Radcliffe College and the Summer School,  4086  4291
