

Plans Include Four Recitals by Kneisel and Hoffmann Quartettes.

It is proposed to resume this year the Chamber Concerts, which have been given so successfully in recent years in the Fogg Lecture Room. A series of four concerts has been planned for the current season, for three of which the Kneisel Quartette has been engaged. The proposed additional concert will be given by the Hoffmann Quartette. The first concert will be held on Monday evening, November 21, and the others on following Monday evenings, the dates to be announced later.

In order that the concerts may be given, however, it will be necessary to sell 160 season tickets. Of this number, about 95 have already been sold. Subscriptions for the series of four concerts are invited, at the rate of $5 per ticket. Each ticket entitles the owner to two seats at each concert.

Members of the University intending to purchase season tickets are requested to subscribe in advance by sending their names to Mrs. C. H. Toy, 7 Lowell street, today or tomorrow. If enough subscriptions are assured, tickets will be sold to subscribers at Sever's, on a date to be announced later.
