The following eleven courses in the study of the Bible, and of foreign and home problems from the Christian standpoint, will be given in Phillips Brooks House this year: 1, Freshman course, "The Life of Christ"; 2, Sophomore course, "Acts and Epistles"; 3, Junior course, "Old Testament Characters"; 4, Senior course, "Teachings of Jesus"; 5, Law School course, subject yet to be selected; 6, Dean Hodges' Bible class, "The Literature of the Old Testament"; 7, conferences with Dr. Van Allen on "The Catholic Church and the New Testament"; 8, special course, "Truth of the Apostolic Gospel"; 9, Mr. Copeland's class in reading the Bible; 10, mission study course, led by Professor E. C. Moore; 11, "National Problems and Christian Solutions." This last course will be a seminar course, in which will be considered, by means of discussions on assigned books, the application of the social and ethical teaching of Christ to modern national problems.
The Freshman and Senior courses, and the special course on. "Truth of the Apostolic Gospel" will meet in Phillips Brooks House at 7 o'clock this evening, the Freshman course in the Shepard Room, the Senior course in the Office Room, and the special course in the Noble Room.
The Sophomore course will meet in the Noble Room at 7 o'clock tomorrow evening. Dr. Van Allen's class will meet for the first time on November 4, at 7 o'clock. The scope of the courses will be considered at the first meetings, and regular weekly hours arranged.
The courses are open to members of the University only. All men interested are requested to hand their names to C. H. Sutherland '06, at Phillips Brooks House.
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