
Applications for Football Seats.

Following are the regulations governing applications for seats for the Pennsylvania and Yale games. Holders of H. A. A. tickets are entitled to a free seat at the Pennsylvania game, but they must apply on one of the regular application blanks, inserting the number of the H. A. A. ticket in the space provided for the purpose. A reserved seat ticket for the Pennsylvania game will be assigned and mailed to each H. A. A. ticket holder applying in this way, but sets will not be held for those who do not apply.

The price of all tickets for both games, except those mentioned above, will be $2 each. Application blanks for the use of Harvard men may be obtained at the office of the Athletic Association, the Union, the Co-operative, Leavitt & Peirce's, Amee's and Brine's, in Cambridge, and at Wright & Ditson's in Boston.

Applications for tickets should be made to the Harvard Athletic Association, Cambridge. Requests for application blanks should contain addressed and stamped envelope for return of blank.

Graduates and undergraduates of any department of the University may apply for seats. Men who have studied in any department of the University, and have not graduated, may also apply or seats, but must state specifically at what time they were in the University. Graduates of other colleges, who are in the graduate schools may apply as undergraduates.

A person who has applied once in any class cannot apply in any other. No ladies will be admitted to the cheering section.


If a Harvard man desires more seats than he is entitled to upon his individual application, he may use the application of another Harvard man, provided written authority to do so is attached to the application.

Applications will be received for the Pennsylvania game until 6 P. M., October 19. Applications will be received for the Yale game from 9 A. M., November 1, until 6 P. M., November 8.

Tickets for the Pennsylvania game will be mailed not earlier than Monday morning, October 24. Tickets for the Yale game will be mailed not earlier than Monday morning, November 14.

The application privilege on season tickets has been discontinued, but if any seats remain after other applications have been filled, they will be offered for sale first to season ticket holders, and later to the general public. ROGER ERNEST,   Graduate Manager.
