About 175 men have handed in their names for fall track work and practice has been held daily between 3.30 and 5.30 o'clock since October 4. Although the annual fall handicap games will be held on October 28, there is still time for new men to join the squad. All those wishing to come out should report to Mr. Graham at the track any afternoon during the above hours.
Thus far the work has been very light, with the object of getting the men in proper condition. The distance men have run a few easy laps and the sprinters and hurdlers have been given light work on the straightaway. Owing to the unfavorable weather yesterday the number of men who reported for work was small. The distance men ran about six laps at a slow pace while the sprinters practised starts and then ran an easy quarter mile. The number of men trying for the hurdle events is still very small and more men are urged to come out. Mr. Garcelon will be on the field next Monday and all hurdlers should report then.
Cross country work began on October 7, Runs will be held three afternoons a week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 o'clock. All men wishing to join the squad should report to Mr. Graham at the track. The first run was held last Friday over an easy stretch of two and a half miles. On Monday thirty-seven men reported for the run, which was also done in slow time. This distance will be gradually increased as the season advances.
The trials to select a team of six men to represent the University in the Intercollegiate cross country meet will be held during the first week of November, but the candidates for the team will be divided into fast and slow squads in about two weeks. H. H. Rowland '06, has been appointed temporary, captain of the squad.
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