
Athletic Committee Meeting.

At a meeting of the Athletic Committee held last night in the Union the following appointments were approved: G. F. Tyler '05, as manager of the University football team, and F. A. Goodhue '06, as assistant manager; W. A. Spencer '06, as second assistant manager of the basketball team; H. A. Mumma, as manager of the Freshman basketball team; H. H. Sutphin, as manager of the Freshman hockey team.

A copy of the constitution of the Football Graduate Association was submitted to the Committee and the names of the members of the executive committee were read. It was voted to communicate to the Association the approval of the Committee in regards to the formation of the Association.

The Committee also voted to grant the request of the Harvard Boat Club to accept an invitation from Cornell to send a second crew to take part in the sspring regatta to be held on Cayuga Lake on May 28.
