

Freshman Candidates Report.--System of Development for Crews.

At the meeting of the Freshman crew candidates held last evening in the Trophy Room at the Gymnasium, fifty-four men reported. The work for the year was outlined by Captain H. G. Dillingham '04. The following men handed in their names as candidates for the crew:

B. E. Hamlin, J. W. Maxson, A. C. Titcomb, H. L. Sigourney, H. A. Walker, P. A. Brown, G. McCook, G. B. Simmons, W. Lilly, W. P. Blodget, H. W. Durant, O. D. Iselin, D. W. Martin, J. K. Stone, R. H. Wiswall, E. C. Potter, C. W. Cate, J. Weare, C. M. Foss, J. Early, F. Goodale, C. C. Wellington, E. V. Sherwin, G. T. Swarts, Jr., J. H. Means, C. Benton, I. W. Bailey, G. W. Bailey, W. M. Davis, H. B. Ogilby, W. W. Lanahan, D. R. Sortwell, J. L. Whitlock, R. M. Tappan, R. L. Woodbury, J. G. Fuller, F. K. Leatherbee, J. Reynolds, Jr., J. Richards, G. A. Irving, P. Fay, S. T. Stackpole, F. R. Dick, C. Whitney, M. H. Stone, F. W. Sargent, Jr., E. Farley, W. H. Keeling, J. D. White, S. B. Swaim, R. L. Bacon, H. J. Wiener, R. B. Gregg, F. M. Howes.

The Freshman squad will be coached by Mr. J. G. Smith 1L., a former Cornell coxswain, assisted by Vail, until Mr. Colson 'arrives on February 1 or 2. The squad will be gradually reduced, and those men who were dropped in the fall as well as those who will be dropped hereafter, will be assigned to Newell and Weld graded Freshmen crews. In April these crews will hold a series of races. The comparatively small size of the squad at present is caused by the large cut which was made during the fall rowing, and by the fact that a number of men have not returned to College from the Christmas recess as yet.

The University crew squad will begin its winter rowing at the University Boat-house during the first week in February. The following members of last year's squad will row this year: Dillingham, Swaim, Duffy, Lawson, Filley, Shuebruk, Brownell, Smith, Ober, and Webster. Mr. Colson will have charge of the squad, and the work will consist of a daily drill on the machines and in the tank until the weather permits rowing on the river. With the large number of experienced men who have returned to College, and the abundance of other good material which is available, the prospects for a strong crew this year seem to be unusually bright.

The class crew captains will probably be elected next week by the men who rowed on the Weld and Newell class crews last year. The eight best men from each class who are not members of the University squad will compose the class crews, and races for the class crew championship will be held before the Easter recess. In addition, there will be Newell and Weld class crews, and the three of these crews winning the preliminary races will compete for the club class crews championship. Vail will coach the class crews at the Newell and Wray at the Weld from the close of the mid-year period to the end of the season. After the Easter reness the graded club crews will be formed from the club class crews.
