The practice of the University hockey team yesterday afternoon showed improved team work, and more accuracy in shooting and passing. The first team played as follows:
Kernan, right end; Newhall, center; Souther, defense; Foster, left end; Clothier, cover-point; Carr, point; Tyer, goal.
The following men will report for practice at 3: Tyer, Tilden, Ivy, Carr, Sard, Wilder, Townsend, Prentice, Callaway, Wylie, Aertson, Newhall, Kernan, Egan, Wagstaff, Macleod, Wait, Clothier, Marshall, Foster, Souther. All others are dropped.
T. Callaway '06 has been appointed captain of the second team.
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Whist Team Defeated.